Twitter Vows to Crack Down on Digital Harassment

With lax safety standards, Twitter has long been a platform to spew vitriol. Since Donald Trump was elected President of the US, the social network has felt especially volatile.
Navigating Twitter’s terrain of trolls is no easy task. Twitter wants to take off some of the load.
“Making Twitter a safer place is our primary focus,” the company said this week.”We’re continuing to work on ways to give people more control over what they see on Twitter. ”
Twitter’s changes are threefold. First, the company says it is taking steps to identify people who have been permanently suspended and stop them from creating new accounts. Second, Twitter is developing a “safe search” that filters negative content. Finally, the platform will soon allow users to hide low-quality content more easily, helping positive tweets appear more prominently.
Curiously, Twitter added that “we stand for freedom of expression and people being able to see all sides of any topic,” despite being caught by several users for actively burying pro-Trump content, even when it is not abusive or low-quality.