Two Vancouver companies collaborate to save the Internet
By now, everyone has heard of OpenMedia, the Vancouver-based organization that spearheaded the Stop the Meter campaign, which to date has collected more than 460,000 signatures.
And many have heard the buzz around FundRazr, a Vancouver startup that is pioneering fundraising through social media.
Now, OpenMedia is using FundRazr to raise money for the continued support of their Stop the Meter campaign, which will run until metered internet, or usage-based billing, is officially terminated.
Wow! If you’re a Stop the Meter supporter, you should feel great about yourself… You’ve been part of the biggest online campaign in Canadian history! And you’ve moved politics! But don’t stop.
Thanks to you, the Liberals have raised the bar and are “committed to oppose” usage-based billing. And Prime Minister Stephen Harper has ordered a review of the CRTC’s decision. Now the decision rests in the hands of one man: CRTC Chair Konrad von Finckenstein. We need to purchase ads encouraging Konrad to reverse CRTC decisions that imposed new Internet fees on Canadians. Funds from your donation will help us take this crucial step. Right now we’re worried Kondrad will come up with some kind of half-measured band-aid solution – we can’t let that happen – we’re so close!
This campaign is brand new and hasn’t been publicly promoted yet, so the fundraising thus far has been puny. But Daryl Hatton, the biggest donor so far with a $50 contribution, has inspiring words for potential donors:
[This] is a cause I really believe in. We need to make ABSOLUTELY SURE that the CRTC has no “wiggle room” and therefore can’t foist on us a painful impediment to our global competitiveness. Help Open Media educate everyone and drum up to support to kill these dangerous restrictions on our access to the Internet.
If you are one of the 460,000 people who signed the Stop the Meter petition, will you now put your money where your mouth is? To donate, click here.