Twtapps Rolls Out New TwtJobs Twitter App

Especially in today’s tough-economy, looking for working has to be a creative endeavour. That’s why many people use social networking tools, like Twitter and Facebook, to find potential employers to connect to. (It’s not what you know, but who you know, isn’t it?) And Montreal-based Twtapps is taking advantage of this economic crunch in a timely fashion. It just rolled out yet another new app for Twitter–this time for job seekers–called Twtjobs.
The tool helps job seekers and employers connect via Twitter. You can create your “Twitter Resume” and employers can post a job opening. To apply for a job, you simply enter your Twitter name (and if you have a twitter resume, it will email it to the employer).
Some other smart and useful features in the app are being able to add your LinkedIn account to the resume builder and tagging your resume with key skills or interests. The tought part? Summarizing your resume in 140 words. Twtapps now has nine applications including the popular twtpets, twtwlst and twtTRIP.