Vancouver’s Top 20 Twitterers to Follow

Today on the 6S Marketing Blog, director Chris Briekss posts his picks of the “Top 20 Twitterers in Vancouver” That post title may ignite the competitive spirit in some, but he later titles the list “Top 20 Vancouver Twitters to Follow”, as in, here’s 20 people you might find interesting and informative. Techvibes is pleased to be on the list, we try to keep our tweets sparse and relevant. Welcome to the huge influx of new followers we received from this mention, at least five times more than the average.
The Vancouver Sun’s Gillian Shaw, who’s dove deep into Twitter in a short time, republished the list with descriptions of each:
miss604 — Rebecca Bollwit is a Vancouver blogger and specialist in new media and senior partner in Sixty4media.com
buzzbishop — Buzz Bishop is a radio personality with Vancouver’s 95Crave and a tech writer for 24 Hours
hummingbird604 — Raul Pacheco is an academic, a specialist in environmental issues and a Vancouver blogger
todmaffin — Todd Maffin is a social media strategist, speaker, broadcaster, writer and blogger
techvibes — Techvibes is an online community for tech professionals in Vancouver with more than 50,000 members
dbarefoot — Darren Barefoot, a Vancouver writer and marketer whose blog at www.darrenbarefoot.com along with his presence on Flickr and Twitter draws about 10,000 readers daily.
kk — Krug Krug, photographer, technologist andd author based in Vancouver
wilhelmus — William Bakker is director of eBusiness at Tourism British Columbia
ColleenCoplick — Collen Coplick, web site at www.missmanifesto.com
tyfn – Phillip Jeffrey, grad student in Interdisciplinary studies at the University of British Columbia.
jennmae — Jenn Lowther, social media strategist and blogger
rtanglao — Roland Tanglao, blogging since 1999, has over 30,000 photos on flickr and is one of the founders of Bryght, a Web 2.0 startup
trishussey — Tris Hussey, writer, photographer and social media consultant
sjagger — tech entrepreneur and co-founder of reachd.com and ubertor.com
arieanna — Arieanna Schweber, entertainment editor with b5media, online producer for @starked, blogger and photographer
shanegibson – Shane Gibson author, speaker, blogger, podcaster, sales trainer
megfowler — Meg Fowler, writer and bloggermaurar — Maura Rodgers, entrepreneur, Vancouver tech evangelist,
johnchowdotcom — John Chow, ‘dot com mogul’ and founder of hardware tech site, The TechZone.
Shannonyelland — Shannon Yelland, online marketing manager for Sitemasher, blogger
Remember folks: Twitter isn’t a competition, it’s communication. However, if you’d like a quantifiable rank to compare to your friends, check out Twitter Grader. Grader computes a ranking based on number of followers, popularity of followers, pace of updates, and “a few others”. They also have lists of top ranked users in each city; their Vancouver list differs a fair bit from Chris’ list.
Be warned though, following many of these very active people will result in a huge influx of tweets and thus deeper integration into the Twitter hive mind. Anyone want to draw up a list for their own other city?