Why were there no BlackBerry PlayBook lineups? Because RIM cares about its customers
Research in Motion’s tablet, the BlackBerry PlayBook, launched today at retailers across North America such as Future Shop.
The longest lineup was about 10 people, and none waited overnight. Compare this to the iPad 2, which saw hundreds lineup days in advance.
Why the differences? Okay, the Apple device did have more demand, and that’s a factor. But also consider this: First, the PlayBook launched through more retailers. It’s not picky like Apple. Second, pre-orders were allowed. Because RIM doesn’t want its customers waiting in the rain in Vancouver or the snow in Toronto for a tablet. It just doesn’t make sense.
Meanwhile, Apple will make you wait because it knows it can. Because it cares about hype, not customer convenience. Sure, you could order online – but only a select few customers got theirs within a week of the launch, with many in the U.S. waiting up to five weeks just to have the device shipped.
Quoth The Globe and Mail:
“RIM’s natural constituency on the PlayBook are (business) people who don’t have jobs that permit them to spend 48 hours in line waiting to buy a new tablet,” said Duncan Stewart, director of technology, media and telecommunications research at consultancy firm Deloitte. “There’s people who line up overnight to see movies – those aren’t necessarily the ones with the biggest box office.”
Industry experts had predicted lineups for the PlayBook would be short, as the device was available at a wide number of stores and Research in Motion booked preorders online, which Apple did not allow.
So if you want the PlayBook, you can get it now. Not in two, or three, or four weeks, when Apple finally decides to ship you one. No store hunting, no waiting, no BS, and no “distortion field.” Just a BlackBerry tablet.
Isn’t that the way it should be?
(Post edited).