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BrainStation Event

New York Demo Day

Meet BrainStation graduates and celebrate everything they have accomplished during their bootcamp experience.

Upcoming Session


  • 2024-10-03T20:00:00.0000000Z  –  2024-10-03T22:00:00.0000000Z
  • BrainStation New York
    136 Crosby St, 4th Floor, New York City, NY 10012
  • Free

What is Demo Day?

Demo Day is BrainStation's graduate project showcase, which celebrates everything our students have accomplished during their bootcamps. Designed to connect graduates with cutting-edge companies, the event is an opportunity for our students to demo their final projects to hiring partners and the BrainStation community.

  • Connect With Industry Professionals

    Network with professionals from the tech community.

  • Meet Diverse BrainStation Grads

    Meet graduates from our bootcamp programs.

  • Complimentary Refreshments

    Celebrate with food and drinks!

Demo Day Bootcamps

BrainStation's industry-leading bootcamps are intensive learning experiences where students develop the skills to start a new career in tech.

UX Design

Students learn and apply key concepts such as design thinking, user research, user testing, wireframing, prototyping and more to develop their design problem solving skills. Students also learn visual design and accessibility principles to create stunning and accessible user interfaces.

By the end of program, students will be able to use industry-standard tools like Figma create user-centric and responsive digital design solutions for web, mobile, and other platforms.

Data Science

Students learn and apply data science skills while working with industry-standard tools and programming languages to perform real data science work.

BrainStation’s Data Science Bootcamp explores a number of topics including data analysis and visualization, statistical analysis, Python, R, machine learning algorithms, artificial intelligence, big data and more.

Software Engineering

Using industry-standard tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Node, students will learn full-stack software development and will be able write efficient, readable, and organized code.

By then end of the program students will be able to develop complete web applications featuring responsive, interactive, and visually stunning front-end user interfaces powered by robust back-end infrastructure.

Google map of location surrounding 136 Crosby St, 4th Floor, New York, NY, 10012


Celebrate in BrainStation's New York Campus

Located in the heart of the tech & retail district of SoHo Manhattan, BrainStation is at the centre of New York's cultural and tech scene where you can celebrate with the tech community surrounded by the city's best technology companies.

BrainStation New York
136 Crosby St, 4th Floor, New York, NY, 10012

Reserve Your Spot

  1. Next Session Thursday October 3rd

    4:00PM - 6:00PM EDT

    Reserve My Spot
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