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Student Profile

Jaana Hein

Digital Content Planner at adidas

Course Taken

Digital Marketing Certification

Key Skills Learned

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
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Jaana Hein


Where are you working currently, and what do you do there?

I am a Digital Content Planner for adidas in the running department as part of the global team. I plan content across all digital touchpoints to connect consumers in a meaningful way, while keeping a seamless user journey in mind that also includes other channels, such as retail.

Can you tell us a bit about your education and career background?

I studied in Vienna and New York and graduated with a Master's of Philosophy in Media. I started my career in the Middle East in brand communication, specializing in video production. When moving to North America, I also decided to move from agency to client-side. I enjoy creating engaging brand experiences and digital solutions that win.

I was looking for some hands-on experience and the latest and greatest in the digital field. BrainStation offers courses that I was unable to find anywhere else. Digital is changing rapidly and most courses at universities and colleges are too theoretical or not up-to-date with what’s happening in the world.

Why did you choose to study at BrainStation?

I was looking for some hands-on experience with the latest and greatest in the digital field. BrainStation offers courses that I was unable to find anywhere else. Digital is changing rapidly and most courses at universities and colleges are too theoretical or not up-to-date enough with what’s happening in the world.

What motivated you to start digital skills training?

I wanted to stay relevant and be able to apply new skills right away. BrainStation’s programs are project-based and allow you to apply what you’ve learned directly to your work.

What was the highlight of your learning experience?

The highlight of my learning experience was the selection of teaching professionals. The Instructors are very knowledgeable and work in the field. They shared experiences that I could relate to in my own job, which was very helpful in providing me with solutions to problems I was facing. Moreover, the Instructors as well as students have proven to be great network opportunities.

What was the most challenging part of your learning experience?

Finding the time to take the course is tough, especially if you have a full-time job. However, to get the most out of it, I recommend being present in class (in person or virtually) and doing some pre- and post-class work. The class sizes are small so you can get a lot of attention and input, and that makes it great! You are encouraged to bring your own projects and experience to the course, so you can really make the most out of your time there.

BrainStation has given me the confidence I needed to be ahead of the game. It connected me with like-minded professionals and provided a platform to communicate innovative ideas.

How has your BrainStation experience impacted your career?

BrainStation has given me the confidence I needed to be ahead of the game. It connected me with like-minded professionals and provided a platform to communicate innovative ideas. BrainStation has also given me the opportunity to think outside of the box and voice solutions that are different from the norm.

How have you incorporated the skills you learned into your current role?

While taking the course, I made it a habit to bring current projects I am working on into class. This way I was able to integrate my new knowledge into my work the next day.

What advice would you give to professionals considering a BrainStation course?

Take a course, you won’t regret it! I got so hooked, I ended up taking courses in fields not directly related to my own. Each class and topic was brought to me in a very tangible way. It has made me a more well-rounded professional.

I have recommended BrainStation to friends and colleagues all around the world – taking courses has now been made even easier with online classes. I can’t wait to take another course! Never stop learning.

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