how to become a graphic designer (2024 Guide)

How Much Does a Graphic Designer Make?

BrainStation’s Graphic Designer career guide is intended to help you take the first steps toward a career in graphic design. Read on for an overview of the average salary you can expect in the graphic design field.

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Indeed reports that the average base salary of a Graphic Designer in the United States is $3,461 per month. Graphic Designers with more than 10 years of experience are reported to earn $4,455 per month.

According to Glassdoor, Graphic Designers in the U.S. earn $44,677 per year. Payscale reports a similar number for Canada, with the average Graphic Designer salary coming in at $44,275 per year.

Graphic Designer salaries can vary wildly, even compared to the salaries of other designers, with the range of average salaries for the job title beginning around $45,000 and reaching all the way up to $83,250.

Those job candidates just starting a career in graphic design should expect salaries to begin around $40,000. After more than five years of job experience, salaries increase to roughly $60,000. With a more senior job title, Art Directors bring home average salaries of $76,600, and Creative Directors report salaries of around $110,000 annually.

The area of specialization Graphic Designers chose also affects their salaries. UX Designers, for instance, earn salaries of around just under $90,000 annually.