how to become a project manager (2024 Guide)

How Much Does a Project Manager Make?

BrainStation’s Project Management career guide is intended to help you take the first steps toward a lucrative career in project management. Read on for an overview of the average salary for Project Managers.

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Project Managers make an average salary of $85,000 with bonuses of roughly $13,500, according to Indeed.

There is, however, huge variance in terms of salary with the Project Manager job title. It’s very common for large companies to pay $120,000-plus for Project Managers, and Indeed even reports that ExxonMobil pays its Project Managers $255,000 annually.

It also matters where you live. Project Managers in Los Angeles make just over $100,000, while Project Managers in Houston, New York, San Diego, and Chicago have average base salaries closer to $90,000 (in all cases, bonuses provide a significant boost).

When you get a little farther into your career, however, you really see compensation go up dramatically.

Indeed reports that the average Senior Project Manager makes roughly $118,000. That job title in L.A. will bring you nearly $150,000 annually, with the other aforementioned cities also paying a premium for Senior Project Managers.

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