This Startup Shows You All the Best Black Friday Deals in Canada
Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping events of the year. Virtually every retailer offers at least some type of deal, and most of the time the deals last for the whole weekend or even an entire week. (It would be logical to call it “Black Week” now, like Boxing Week, but we’re guessing that could be misinterpreted.)
Canadian startup Bargainmoose, known for compiling retail deals all year long, has created a simple dashboard for Black Friday. It’s convenient because, while the event is technically American, lots of Canadian retailers participate, and many US retailers extend their offers north of the border as well.
Creatively dubbed the “Bargainmoose Black Friday Sale Dashboard 2012,” you can easily click through to some of the hottest deals available to Canadians on this fine day: Apple and Dell for techies, the Gap and the Bay for the fashionistas, and Amazon and Costco for pretty much everybody.