Canadian Startup Awards: Recognizing Canada’s Best Employers in Tech

A job is a lot of things. It’s “how you earn a living,” and that means a lot, beyond just money. It’s also something we spent a very significant portion of our days, years, and lives doing.

So it should matter. And we should enjoy doing it.

Well, not all employers are created in equal, but through the annual Canadian Startup Awards we can certainly find out who’s worth tossing your résumé at. Last year it was EventMobi. Before that, Shopify, and before them, Hootsuite.

Is your employee awesome? Oh, they are? Like, really awesome, though? Okay, cool. Nominate them here and maybe they’ll win our prestigious award. (Competition is looking stiff this year, however—just saying.)

Honoring the Work of Venture Capitalists Through the Canadian Startup Awards