Every Stock Photo Online
Vancouver-based license-specific photo search engine Everystockphoto.com re-launched today. In the works for six months, the new site uses Ajax extensively and includes a handful of enhanced user features – advanced search, drag and drop collections, improved tagging, rating, flagging, and comments. Everystockphoto.com has also increased the size of their photo index by adding Wikipedia and NASA photos. The photo search engine was originally launched in April 2006 and is owned & operated by Vibrant Software. Membership is free and their goal is to become a leading portal for the stock photography community. Online ventures like Everystockphoto.com contuinue to disrupt the stock photography market and force the Big 3 to tweak their online strategies to stay ahead. While Corbis, Getty Images, and Jupiter Images have been the staple providers of images to editorial and advertising professionals for years, they’ve chosen to go the acquisition route to eliminate new online contenders. And Calgary start-ups have done particularily well in this space – in November ’07 Veer was acquired by Corbis for an undisclosed amount and in February ’06 iStockPhoto was purchased by Getty Images for $50 Million. It will be interesting to see what’s in store for Everystockphoto.com.