Groupon to acquire Canadian company
Groupon is international thanks to strategically acquiring deal-of-the-day services similar to it and rebranding them under the Groupon flag.
Acquistions to date have included Europe’s MyCityDeal, South America’s ClanDescuento, Singapore’s, Japan’s, Russia’s, India’s, Asia’s uBuyiBu, and Malaysia’s
But why haven’t they acquired any companies in Canada?
Groupon has 28% of the Canadian daily deal market but that is hardly a dominant position.
That may be about to change. Multiple independent sources have told Techvibes that a Groupon acquistion of a BC-based company is imminent. We’ve been unable to verify the target company but our sources are solid and we expect to hear more next week.
Google, Zynga, Twitter, and Saleforce have all purchased Canadian companies in 2011. It would be great to add Groupon to that list of buyers.