Mio Integrates Personal Activity Intelligence into Lenovo Wearables
Mio Global has announced a partnership with Lenovo that will see its Personal Activity Intelligence (PAI) technology integrated into Lenovo’s new HW01 Plus fitness bands.
The Vancouver company says the fitness bands are “the first of many” devices that will feature Mio’s health metric that translates heart rate data into a simple, meaningful score—guiding users on how much activity they need to live a longer, healthier life.
“We are excited to integrate PAI into the experiences and platforms of many other brands to positively impact global health by making wearables more meaningful,” said Peter Taylor, CEO of Mio Global.
Mio says the heart rate is the single most accurate reflection of the body’s response to physical activity. The PAI algorithm translates heart rate and personal data into a simple score that gives users a personalized prescription for exercise through one universal goal: keep your weekly PAI score at or above 100 for maximum health benefits.
“Lenovo is a major brand in the consumer technology space, so we’re thrilled that PAI was the chosen metric to help grow their business because of its wide appeal across a wide variety of consumers of lifestyles and fitness levels,” added Taylor.
An article published in The American Journal of Medicine states that PAI has potential to motivate people to become and stay physically active by informing them about how much exercise is required to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 25 per cent.