‘Not The Usual Suspects’ Tackles Trends in Canadian Angel Investing
On January 22 the Vancouver Enterprise Forum will take a look at conventional (and non-conventional) angel investment.
Not The Usual Suspects will look at the latest trends in angel investment, including some of the new angel funds recently announced in Vancouver.
The panel discussion will be moderated by Brent Holliday from Garibaldi Capital Advisors and also includes Maria Pacella of Beedie Capital Partners, Tanner Philp of RBC Philips Hager & North, and Gary Yurkovich of Espresso Capital. Entrepreneurs on the panel include Perch’s Danny Robinson and Kibooco’s Earl Hong Tai.
The VEF holds eight events each year, usually on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Participation at a VEF event provides attendees with personal connections, assistance with the identification of industry partnerships, and educational resources for developing and growing enterprises in British Columbia.