NowPublic’s Leonard Brody profiled in BC Business Mag
If you follow digital media in Vancouver, the April issue of BC Business magazine is one worth flipping through the next time you pass a magazine stand. In addition to a great piece on Bootup Labs and Vancouver startup ecosystem, Tony Wanless sits down with tech entrepreneur Leonard Brody and covers it all in The Prime of Leonard Brody.
Wanless’ profile covers Brody’s family and business roots and even gets him to hint at his next move.
But knowing Brody, he’ll probably move on again. “I’m not the type to look back and feel pride in what I’ve done; I prefer to always look forward,” he declares. “I am an opportunist and is a billion-dollar opportunity. But I think it’s the last big opportunity I will work on.” He talks about how, in the future, Internet media will trend toward smaller subscription-based websites on specific subjects and muses about getting involved in something “much smaller – more of a lifestyle business.” He won’t, however, get into specifics. On the subject of his own future, the fox proves uncharacteristically coy.
Photo credit: Robert Kenney