Internet Entrepreneur Jason Calacanis: RIM Has Caught up to 2012
Very few people who have actually tried Research In Motion’s BlackBerry 10 software have been disappointed. Veteran internet entrepreneur Jason Calacanis is evidently no exception.
He penned a brief but decidedly enthusiastic blog post about BB10 yesterday, opening with the fact that he was “very, very impressed.” Jason described the physical device as “a solid phone with a fantastic leathery finish” before delving into the operating system itself.
“The task manager was awesome: you swipe up and it shows you all the windows that are open,” Jason wrote. “If you swipe to the left you get your app panels (like an iPhone), but if you swipe to the right you go to a super-slick integration of messages, contacts and calendar. It has the same thoughtfulness of the Blackberry’s shortcut keys, which is to say if you learn it (i.e., you become a power user) you’re going to be able to get through data and tasks really fast.”
SEE ALSO: Investor Don Yacktman on Why He Buys RIM Stock
More from Jason’s post:
This feels like RIMM has caught up to 2012—which is saying a lot. This thing with a keyboard (and I understand there is a model with one) is going to be a big hit. There will be no reason to leave the BB ecosystem after this comes out. Which is to say, they should have had this out two years ago and they would have been fine.
Does he think BB10 will take marketshare away from iOS? “Perhaps, if it is agressively priced.” Does he think it it will take marketshare away form Android? “On the consumer side no, but on the business side, yes.”