Samsung to Disable Wifi, Bluetooth on Remaing Note 7 Devices as Recall Comes to Close
Samsung is putting the final nail in the Galaxy Note 7’s coffin. The company next week will remotely disable essential phone functions to force the final few customers to return their recalled devices.
“As part of our commitment to ongoing safety, Samsung would like to make our customers aware of our plans to deactivate service for remaining Note 7 devices,” the Canadian arm of the company said in a statement.”
In Canada, close to 90% of Note 7 devices have been returned.
“Functional limitations, including a limitation on the battery charge, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth disablement will be implemented as early as December 12,” the company stated. Data and text messages may be disabled after the 15th.
“We strongly urge any customers still using their Note 7 to return their device to the place of purchase for a refund or exchange,” Samsung stated. “We have been in continuous communication with Note7 customers to remind them about the need to return their recalled device and will continue to communicate daily with a push notification about this network deactivation event to ensure they continue to receive adequate notice.”
Note 7 device owners are legally prohibited from selling or even giving away recalled devices.
The phone was recalled shortly after launching this summer due to exploding batteries.