SuperStartup MetroLyrics profiled in BIV
Techvibes Start-up Index SuperStartup MetroLyrics is getting some great offline coverage – this week’s Business in Vancouver includes an article by Curt Cherewayko titled MetroLeap’s business plan hits all the right notes.
I’d love to link directly to it but it’s trapped behind BIV’s paywall, so here’s a snippet following by the rest of the article after the jump:
MetroLeap Media Inc. has left behind the “grey market” in which nearly all song lyrics websites operate.
Monthly traffic at the Burnaby-based company’s flagship website has nearly doubled to more than 23 million visitors since December, the month before it began fairly – not to mention legally – compensating song artists, musicians and publishers. Although song lyrics are copyrighted and can be viewed only on websites with permission from music publishers, many websites that offer unauthorized and frequently inaccurate lyrics have flourished.
This included, until MetroLeap signed a deal with Gracenote, a California-based digital media firm, to adopt Gracenote’s database of more than 800,000 song lyrics, the world’s largest licensed and accurate lyrics database.
Update: Complete article is available online here.