How to Tell if Your Cofounder is a Catastrophe Waiting to Happen
There’s a body of anecdotal evidence suggesting there’s a direct correlation between entrepreneurial successes and solving a problem or challenge that one has lived first hand.
In some regards the same holds true for writing. Having experienced the good and bad cofounder experience first hand, I’m comfortable sharing the cautionary tale.
Starstruck first-timers, and fence-sitting “wantapreneurs” might want to take note. Those who’ve got some mileage on the treads, you’re welcome to say “been there, seen that.”
The odds of succeeding as a solo entrepreneur are daunting, almost impossible. Having a cofounder or being part of a team of cofounders incrementally increases the odds of startup success.
I’m not writing this as a jaded, ax grinding commentary. In fact I’m keeping the names of the guilty out of this to protect my innocence.
This isn’t a definitive list, just a first taste of potential red flags—the warning signs to run, run away.
Exaggerating their own importance, achievements, and talents.
Imagining unrealistic fantasies of success, beauty, power, intelligence, or romance.
Requiring constant attention and positive reinforcement from others.
Becoming jealous easily.
Lacking empathy and disregarding the feelings of others.
Being obsessed with oneself.
Pursuing mainly selfish goals.