Twelve Canadian Startups slated to join Start-Up Chile
After receiving over 650 applications during the one month application period that ended in August, Start-Up Chile announces today that 154 startup companies have been selected to participate in this year’s second round of the prestigious and world-recognized program. The goal is to provide capital to 300 startups by the end of the year.
Slated to arrive in either November 2011 or January 2012, the 154 chosen startups hail from 33 different countries representing a myriad of industries and many of the best educational institutions in the world including Harvard, MIT, Stanford, the London School of Economics, and the Indian Institute of Technology.
While the United States is the most largely represented country with 35% of the selected startup population, Canada isn’t far behind with 12 companies selected from across Canada. Here they are:
- Montreal’s Art Sumo
- Montreal’s Bespoke Mobility
- Waterloo’s Contractor Copilot
- Founder2Founder
- Kitchener’s GooseChase Adventures
- InBeta
- Kitchon
- PixelSteam
- Toronto’s Rocketr
- Roseicollis Technologies
- TribeCastr