python tutorial

Python Dictionary

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Python dictionaries are another powerful data type for representing information in Python. Dictionaries are an unordered collection of key-value pairs. There are many different ways of creating a Python dictionary however the easiest way is to use curly brackets {}. A dictionary is of the form

My_dict = {key: value, anotherKey: anotherValue}

Some of the important things to remember about dictionaries are:

  • Each key in the dictionary has to be unique
  • Unlike list, dictionaries are indexed by keys
  • A specific value in the dictionary can be retrieved by using it’s key.
  • Multiple key value pairs are separated by comma ,
  • Key and value are separated by a colon :

Creating a Python Dictionary

Let’s create a python dictionary using

  • Curly brackets
  • using dict()
Code Example
# create a dictionary using curly brackets called john that stores name, phone, email, course and address
john = {'name': 'John', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course: Python v3', 'address': '123 Front St City Country'}
{'name': 'John', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3',
'address': '123 Front St City Country'}
# create a dictionary using dict() called adam that stores name, phone, email, course
adam = dict ({'name': 'Adam', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '',
'course': 'Python v3'})
{'name': 'Adam', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3'}
{'name': 'John', 'phone': 1234567890, 'emall': '', 'course': 'Python v3', 'address': '123 Front St City Country'}
{'name': 'Adam', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3'}

Accessing a Value in Dictionary

Values in the dictionary can be accessed by using it’s relevant keys inside of a square bracket []. Let’s try to access the name and email of students adam and john we just created.

Code Example
# create a dictionary using curly brackets called john that stores name, phone, email, course and address
john = {'name': 'John', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3',
'address': '123 Front St City Country'}
# create a dictionary using dict() called adam that stores name, phone, email, course
adam = dict({'name': 'Adam', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3'})

Updating a Value in Dictionary

Values in the dictionary can be updated by using its key in a square bracket and assigning a new value to it using an equal sign =. Let’s update the phone number for both students adam and john

Code Example
# create a dictionary using curly brackets called john that stores name, phone, email, course and address
john = {'name': 'John', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3', 'address': '123 Front St City Country'}
{'name': 'John','phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3', 'address': '123 Front St City Country'}
# create a dictionary using dict() called adam that stores name, phone, email, course
adam = dict ({'name': 'Adam', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3'})
{'name': 'Adam', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3'}
# update phone numbers for john and adam
john['phone'] = 9876543210
adam['phone'] = 4567890123
{'name': 'John', 'phone': 9876543210, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3', 'address': '123 Front St City Country'}
{'name': 'Adam', 'phone': 4567890123, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3'}

Deleting a Value in Dictionary

Values in the dictionary can be deleted by using the pop method and specify the key of the value to be deleted as pop(key). Deleting a value also removes the entire key-value pair from the dictionary. Let’s try to delete the address for student john.

Code Example
# create a dictionary using curly brackets called john that stores name, phone, email, course and address
John = {'name': 'John', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', "course': 'Python v3', 'address': '123 Front St City Country'}
{'name': 'John', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3', 'address': '123 Front St City Country'}
# create a dictionary using dict() called adam that stores name, phone, email, course
adam = dict ({'name': 'Adam', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3'})
{'name': 'Adam', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3'}
# delete address for john
{'name': 'John', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3'}

Deleting Entire Dictionary

An entire dictionary can be deleted using the del keyword. This deletes the entire dictionary and not just the key-value pairs in it. Let’s delete our dictionary structure for student adam. As you can see below, accessing the dictionary after deleting it throws an error.

Code Example
# create a dictionary using curly brackets called john that stores name, phone, email, course and address
john = {'name': 'John', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3', 'address': '123 Front St City Country'}
{'name': 'John', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3', 'address': '123 Front St City Country'}
# create a dictionary using dict() called adam that stores name, phone, email, course
adam = dict({'name': 'Adam', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3'})
{'name': 'Adam', 'phone': 1234567890, 'email': '', 'course': 'Python v3'}
# delete dictionary structure adam
del adam
NameError	Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-35-a971909cf5b7> in <module>
    2 del adam
----> 4 print(adam)
NameError: name 'adam' is not defined

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