Why Apple TV Does Not Consider Netflix a Competitor
As growth of its hardware slows, the world’s most valuable company is increasingly turning to media—music and video streaming in particular.
It’s impossible to talk about video streaming and not mention Netflix, but Apple senior vice president Eddy Cue doesn’t consider them a competitor.
” We’re not in the business of trying to create TV shows,” explained Cue to Hollywood Reporter. “If we see it being complementary to the things we’re doing at Apple Music or if we see it being something that’s innovative on our platform, we may help them and guide them and make suggestions. But we’re not trying to compete with Netflix or compete with Comcast.”
Cue went on to say that Apple TV is “a lot better than a cable box, and how he wants to change the experience for television viewers.
The fact that I have to set things to record seems idiotic. And channel guides — I get home and I want to watch a Duke basketball game; why do I have to go hunting to find out what channel it’s on? Why can’t I just say, “I want to watch Duke basketball.” Or, even better, why doesn’t the system know that? “Here’s the Duke basketball game.” Those technical capabilities exist today. They just don’t exist for television.